Lorenz×Catherine Support Conversations
C Support
ローレンツ: カトリーヌさん。少々時間をいただけますか?
Lorenz: Hello, Catherine. A moment of your time?
カトリーヌ: なんだ、ローレンツか。アタシに何か用?
Catherine: Oh, it's you. Yes?
ローレンツ: その腰に帯びている剣……。貴女はどこで手に入れたのですか。
Lorenz: That sword you wear upon your hip. How did you come by it, exactly?
カトリーヌ: ……気に入らない物言いだね。アタシがどっかでくすねたとでも?
Catherine: I don't appreciate your tone. Are you implying I swiped it off someone?
ローレンツ: いえ……ですが、英雄の遺産は十傑の嫡流に代々受け継がれるべきもののはず。
Lorenz: Not at all. But Heroes' Relics are typically passed down through the bloodlines of the 10 Elites.
You are descended from a noble family, are you not?
カトリーヌ: 何でそんなことを気にするのさ。アタシがどこの出だろうと関係ないだろう。
Catherine: That's none of your business.
ローレンツ: ですが……。
Lorenz: Actually—
カトリーヌ: アタシがどこぞの馬の骨だったとして、紋章も遺産もなくても、アタシはアタシだ。
それとも何? アタシが名家の生まれなら、アンタの対応は変わるのか?
Catherine: Let's say I was a nobody, with no Relic, no Crest. I would still be me, wouldn't I? That's not to say lineage counts for nothing. It just doesn't count as much as how you live your life, and what you live for. Or, let's say I was descended from some noble house. Would that change how you treat me?
ローレンツ: ……見る目は変わります。名家の貴族であれば、しかるべき応対を。
Lorenz: Yes, it would. To treat you differently from the commonfolk would only be appropriate.
カトリーヌ: 器が小さいねえ、アンタ。いろんなもんに縛られてばっかりじゃん。
Catherine: You're so narrow-minded! Tied down by foolish, antiquated notions.
ローレンツ: ですが、貴族と平民は同じではない。選ばれた者にこそできることがあります。
Lorenz: But the nobility and the commonfolk are different. If the few did not have capabilities to set them apart from the many, then they would not be the few.
カトリーヌ: それは本当に貴族にしかできないのか?平民にも優れた人間はいるだろ。
Catherine: Wow. You really think nobles are better than everyone else, don't you?
ローレンツ: そういうことを言っているのでは……。
Lorenz: I didn't mean to suggest—
カトリーヌ: アンタは身分や家柄にこだわるあまり、人そのものが見えていないようだ。
Catherine: You pay so much attention to people's lineage and status that you have no idea who they actually are.
Even if I was from the prestigious House Whatever, I would never associate with a blowhard like you!
ローレンツ: くっ……。
Lorenz: Hmph!
B Support
ローレンツ: いつ見ても、見惚れるほどの剣さばきだ。流麗でいて隙がない。
Lorenz: Your swordplay is captivating. Exceedingly graceful, yet mindful to guard the weaknesses that often accompany such elegant flourishes.
カトリーヌ: おや、ローレンツ。盗み見とは、貴族らしくないんじゃないの?
Catherine: Lorenz, are you spying on me? That's not very noble.
ローレンツ: これは大変な失礼を。見入ってしまい、なかなか声をかけられなかったのです。
Lorenz: It was rude of me to watch so long in silence, I do confess. Yet I could not bring myself to interrupt. I believe that such a deep grasp of swordplay can only mean that you have experienced the privilege of a noble birth.
カトリーヌ: アンタもしつこいね。確かに我流じゃないが、それがどうした。
Catherine: You just don't let up! I didn't inherit my sword skills, Lorenz. I trained. I earned them. One's lineage does not affect one's talent or tenacity, to be sure.
ローレンツ: 本人の才能や努力に家柄は無関係ですが、剣技を磨く環境は貴族のほうが有利です。
Lorenz: But a noble is raised in an environment more conducive to the honing of martial skill. Those brought up in the lap of luxury are blessed with a far wider variety of options for their futures. And a noble raised in that fashion is better equipped to keep the peace for the commonfolk.
カトリーヌ: ほう、じゃあ聞かせてもらえるか。貴族の責務、って何なんだ?
Catherine: Sure. And besides keeping the peace, what are the nobility's other duties?
ローレンツ: 例えば……貴族は簡単に戦争を起こせます。これは平民が持つことのできない力です。
Lorenz: Matters of state, for a start. A noble has the ability to declare war, for instance. A commoner does not.
And a noble who carries the blessing of a Crest has even more power. One move from such an individual can exert massive influence.
Of course, such influence must only be wielded with discretion. It is a noble's duty to use power wisely.
カトリーヌ: その理屈だと、平民は反乱を起こしてもいいように聞こえるが?
Catherine: Whether or not it's their duty, if they don't use their power wisely, the people will revolt.
ローレンツ: 平民が反乱を起こす主な理由は、為政者……つまり貴族への不満です。
Lorenz: Mm. Indeed. The motivation to revolt can only come from discontent with the nobility. But if the people are well protected, and enjoy peaceful and happy lives, there is no such motive. Thus, if such a revolt does occur, the nobility must be held accountable.
カトリーヌ: ふうん……。ま、及第点だ。
Catherine: "The nobility must be held accountable," hm? I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with you. Maybe you're not as bad as I thought. In fact, I'll let you in on a secret. I am from a noble family, House Charon of Faerghus. I used to be known as Cassandra Rubens Charon. Perhaps you've heard that name before?
ローレンツ: カロン家……まさか、あの……罪を犯して国を追われた……
Lorenz: House Charon... It cannot be! Are you the one who was driven from Faerghus for some grave crime?
カトリーヌ: ま、世間ではそう言われてるが、アタシは間違ったことはしてないよ。
Catherine: So people say. However, I didn't do anything wrong. Anyway, how do you rate me now? On one hand, I am a noble. But I'm also a fugitive.
ローレンツ: ………………。
Lorenz: I see. Well, then. Will you do me the honor of a bout?
カトリーヌ: 剣の中でアタシを見極めると?いいだろう、相手してやるよ。
Catherine: Hah! So you'd like to suss me out with your sword. Sure, I'll take you on.
A Support
ローレンツ: はあ、はあ、はあ……。
Lorenz: ...
カトリーヌ: 勝負はお預けだね、ローレンツ。それが不満ならアンタの勝ちでもいいよ。
Catherine: Let's put the match on hold for now, Lorenz. Or if you can't wait, we'll say you won.
ローレンツ: いえ……お預けで結構です。それに、貴女は“雷霆”も使っていない。
Lorenz: No, let us resume it later. You haven't yet had the chance to use Thunderbrand.
カトリーヌ: アンタが普通の剣なのに、遺産なんて使ったら勝負にならないだろ。
Catherine: You weren't using a Relic either. If you had been, you would have won easily.
Even without it, you're stronger than I expected. You seem to be fighting more intensely than usual.
ローレンツ: いつもの僕なら負けていたでしょう。ですが……僕は、貴女を見極めたかった。
Lorenz: Under ordinary circumstances, I'd have surely lost. But I had a vested interest in testing your character. If your swordplay relied at all on the dirty tricks of a fugitive, I would have felt compelled to defeat you.
カトリーヌ: その使命感が、アンタの実力を高めるに至ったとでも言うのか?
Catherine: Are you saying you fought more ably because you had a sense of purpose?
ローレンツ: いえ、貴女と剣を交える中で、僕は貴女の強さに嫉妬を覚えたのです。
Lorenz: Not as such, although I admit that when we crossed blades I become envious of your strength.
I caught a glimpse, in your elegant swordsmanship, of an aspect of the noble ideal that I yet lack.
That envy is perhaps what drove me to fight so hard.
カトリーヌ: ははっ。たいそうな物言いをするね。
Catherine: Interesting...
ローレンツ: 同時に確信しました。貴女は罪人などでは決してない。ただ信念に生きている人だと。
Lorenz: I was also able to satisfy my curiosity. You are no criminal, but rather a lady of great conviction.
カトリーヌ: まあ、自分にも主にも恥じることは、一切してないつもりだよ、アタシは。
Catherine: That might be an exaggeration. I've done some things I'm not proud of.
ローレンツ: ならば、貴族の責務も忘れてはいないはず。これで僕たちは、本当の同志になれる。
Lorenz: Modest as ever. Another of your noble qualities.
カトリーヌ: 悪いがアタシはもう貴族とは言えない。貴族の同志が欲しいなら他を当たりな。
Catherine: Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm no longer a noble.
ローレンツ: いいえ、今の身分がどうあれ、その力を正しく使おうとする姿勢はまさに貴族。
Lorenz: Whatever your title, the responsible use of power is the very hallmark of nobility.
Deny it all you like, but the way I see it, you are indeed a noble.
カトリーヌ: やれやれ……アタシは貴族なんていう窮屈なもんに縛られたくないんだって。
Catherine: I don't want to be a "true noble." I won't be tied down by any stuffy idea of nobility. Although, if this is your way of flirting with me, perhaps I can be persuaded otherwise.
ローレンツ: えっ!?な、何を突然……。
Lorenz: That's rather sudden.
カトリーヌ: アンタ、貴族の女をよく口説いてるだろ?
Catherine: Tell me, Lorenz. Do you often woo noble women? As a "true noble," I must be an ideal target for a fellow like you.
ローレンツ: いや、いくら僕でも、口説けと言われて口説いたことはないので……困ったな。
Lorenz: Since you put it that way, I... Apologies, but I confess you've rendered me quite speechless.
カトリーヌ: はっははは、冗談さ、冗談。アタシを口説くには……少し早いよ。
Catherine: Lighten up! I'm just teasing. You're clearly not ready to woo me.
ローレンツ: 少し早い……?僕に何が足りないと……。
Lorenz: Not ready?! Do I not suffice for you?! Is there some flaw that I could conceivably correct?!
カトリーヌ: 少しは融通が利くなったけど、アンタはまだ身分や血筋に縛られてる。
Catherine: You're more open-minded than you used to be. But you're still so hung up on status and lineage.
If you became a more tolerant person, maybe it would work out.
What matters isn't someone's blood. It's what they want, what they fear, what they accomplish.
When you understand that, let me know, and I might just fall for you.
ローレンツ: ……いいでしょう。僕がその資格を得るその日まで、待っていてください。
Lorenz: Just wait and you shall see, Catherine! I fully intend to live up to the very highest of your standards!